Pleas don’t ask. Create (a meme).
Pleas don’t ask. Create (a meme).
You inform at least one person, that’s the rule. If they really want to know what happened to u they can find out.
I came here specifically for this.
Thanks 4 the info, now I get it 😆 American poliitics r beautiful 🤯
I just don’t get this. Does the fact that Biden pulled off 4 months before election mean he was never a candidate? 🤔 With that logic, if Trump quits now he is again forgiven as the oldest one? So, whole this news would be bullshit?
Why would some heartless soul downvote this
Stop it meme creators! You were my only reliable news source. Now you are ruining it with fake memes.
I used to be that guy the first 28 years of my life. Then I realized many so called socialist gvt are backed up by the biggest monopolies, which in turn grow freely thanks to socialist unbalanced rules of competitiveness.
It’s cool to think socialist. It’s not cool to feed the monopoly.
When u talk shit about zionists
Especially recent history. For an instance it took three hundred years for the french monarchy to recognize how Jean d’Arc wasn’t a witch and saved France.
I’ve seen too many empty trash cans surrounded by trash on the ground. It’s about the mindset
a bit off topic, but do someone understand why nowadays cheap USB-pen smallest capacity is 130 TB?
Half of us are chinese spies. Other half scam bots.
I’ve tried that. Too painful
Is solider a solidary soldier?
Still not a single genuine argument or discussion. I read all comments. Only bored ironic ppl ‘making fun’.
For the record, I do tell friends not to have even consensual sex with way younger girls. If I was ever to know some friend raped, I would call the police 100%.
The sad thing in this society is I’m kind a rare type of friend. Usually friends are much more rapist-tolerant, which makes raping almost a common thing.
So yes, I recommend my gf to carry personal defence.