Nobody is in control of the world but some very few people have a lot of influence over all of us.
Nobody is in control of the world but some very few people have a lot of influence over all of us.
The brits have no clue about making tea.
Someone called me?
I know it’s a joke but in my opinion you’re harming society 😭
Why argue and say stupid things when there are statistics:
Looks like gun violence isn’t in fact happening everywhere.
Yeah, pretty sure your lawn has almost nothing to do with insects vanishing. It’s much more likely the insane amounts of highly potent pesticides we put directly into our food chain. Those pesticides obviously aren’t classified as pollution so we aren’t polluting, we’re killing the environment on purpose.
Btw. The development and use of neonicotines corelate quiet nicely with the drop in the insects population.
They obviously didn’t asked me…
Im feeling the same for every product the broke at one point in my life, for every food I have digested and for all the DVDs I bought in the early 2000s… things change and to have played $15 10 years ago for a game that is now f2p is nothing to cry about. Especially because you can still play it.
Every country will struggle in the near future. Some sooner, some later. To me it seams like we have reached the limits of what we can have. What we have is very badly distributed but it really comes down to how many things, how many computers, shoes, containerships, gold watches, private jets, truckloads of harvested corn, clothes and everything else can there be. We could redistribute and we could recycle but we’re not doing both in any meaningful amount.
Remember, this metric of “worst performing county” takes only the economy into account and with limited resources there is no endless growth.
Btw. This doesn’t mean we can’t be happy. We’re not the economy and we’re not the stuff we own.
So the guy from there riches county in the world is to poor and to lazy to do anything. Good thing you found the time to tell everyone else that they shouldn’t do anything too 💩
But seriously, maybe write one letter a week or so to one of your politicians and don’t cry me a river that this probably will help nothing… just start and tell others to do the same! Resignation and discouraging others will definitely help nothing!
Very helpful spreading such a stupid mindset. First of all you could change that. Next you can get involved with politics. After that maybe donate some money and so on… Seams like there are many things one could do if the time wasn’t wasted on telling everyone there would be nothing they could do 👍
We could do more than just hope… And we really should.
Could somebody please think about the economy while dieing. Please!
Very nice 👍
They absolutely can, you just have to say something like “sorry” or similar.
Walk around if you’re to shy to speak up, you socially handicapped looser. How can you live a single happy day if that’s already enough to ruin one for you?
Oh no! People socializing in public, better grab a gun.
Is it really so bad? Are you really that bitter and fed up? Don’t you want somebody to love, you better find somebody to love.
Never used TikTok, eh? Where commets are sorted completely random and are limited to around 10 words. Perfect to just shout what you hate.