Used to get my jollies when someone asked me to hold something and I was next to a desk or table, I’d say “Sure!” and put the thing on the desk next to them
Used to get my jollies when someone asked me to hold something and I was next to a desk or table, I’d say “Sure!” and put the thing on the desk next to them
Octavia Butler is well overdue the credit she deserves
A sharp knife also helps cut attachment to onions without emotional turmoil
Hey! Dan da Dan is great! I’m not being defensive! I’m fine!
It’s an average, I’ve got some leeway… And this time it’s personal
I’ll fight God with you
The best Indian food I had was at a place in St Petersburg Florida on the first floor of an otherwise empty office building. We could smell the curry from the parking lot while still inside the car
I don’t understand, but it speaks to me
I remember being absolutely blown away that you could see planes in the sky
We don’t go to Ravenholm
More please. Shitpost crusaders might be the only thing I miss about Reddit
I’m listening to the Hugos There podcast (only for the books I’ve read) and social commentary by the authors is central to several of their discussions
Who the hell is interrupting my kung fu?
I did too, but it took 30 some odd years
Classic. I remember when I saw this the first time. I was browsing imgur during a calc lecture instead of learning any calculus
Le Pétomane
Edit:étomane Dunno why I only shared the name.
Darmok and Jalad, at Tanagra
How progressive!