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Why else do they constantly vote and campaign against measures to improve children’s lives?
Have they? As far as i am aware, the Lend-Lease act of 2022 hasnt been used once. The weapons weren’t loaned, but the 4.4 Billion dollars for buying weapons were. Thats a fraction of the 176 billion the US spent in this war.
That 500B debt is number pulled of Trumps Ass.
Almost as if a preventable policy shift happened.
Try to talk about the Tiananmen Square in China, Monsieur Jacques I.
The PRIDE theme To quote a Napoleon: “This song makes me stand up while shittimg, just to see what happens.”
Go back to 4chan, cuckboi
Brother, if u wanna trip, just trip.
No need for claiming some greater spiritual end goal or some shit.
Once again, 23rd favorite rapist aaand future gender neutral toilet: Minge McMahon
If isnt my 23rd favorite rapist and future source of heating, Vince McMahon
“Westoids” opinion discarded.
You guys really removed that?
And how where they broken by Ukraine?
Russia invade inspite of not just agreements, actual treaties, which guarantee Ukraine the liberty to conduct their own foreign policy as they pleased in exchange for their nuclear arsenal.
Ah yes, German fascism in… 1920.
As long as I and only I get to define that term, yes.
Socialists predicted that the US would cozy up to russia?