How else would one mass-produce gullible, uneducated voting cattle to exploit and fleece?
How else would one mass-produce gullible, uneducated voting cattle to exploit and fleece?
Huh. Looks like I read that differently than others here: I thought for sure the family man (who cheated on all his consecutive wives), who loves his neigbour (unless they’re non-white, non-rich or non-straight), who would never commit crimes (unless he felt like it and could get away with it by buying judges and winning elections), etc etc was the one crushing actual christian values.
I feel like this picture would benefit from putting all the steamrolled values there in quotation marks.
A million seconds is a little over 11 days.
A billion seconds is a little over 31 years.
Billionaires should be required to count out their dollars individually every few days.
More likely scenario:
People vote politicians who’ve been bribed to use taxpayer money to fast-track research into ways to enable AI to make people dependent on corporations while keeping the people docile and then squeezing them for all their money which is then used to enable the lifestyle in the comic for the corporation top knobs while keeping the wage-slaves free-market-empowered labourers too fed to die but too hungry to think about anything other than being grateful for the scraps they are allowed by their AI-fuelled overlords.
So basically the status quo, only now with AI. Yayy.
Eh, just throw them over your shoulder and you’re good to go.
To say, for example, that there is no consequences to pollution that will kill all life on earth an order of magnitude sooner than any current prediction unless you literally undo everything you’ve done and made it up in an order of magnitude more in work to fix it than was done to create it.
I am indeed missing the point, though mostly because the meaning of this sentence has not revealed itself to me, to put it lightly. It’s not for a lack of trying, but so far I merely have some vague suspicions what you may be trying to convey with it at best.
It’s like nobody’s even trying anymore.
Okay, yes. Sure, why not. But out here, in objective reality, some facts can be known and verified and outside your “truth is a lie and nothing can be known” approach, there is indeed a difference between zero reported eaten dogs and hordes of illegal migrant bogeymen eating everybody’s dogs.
That whole right side is just quitter talk.
Honestly, if your goals include conserving an inhabitable environment for the human race in the future, conserving a semblance of wealth for everyone but the top, like, dozen people on Earth, conserving the rights of workers and consumers against an overwhelming opposition, conserving democracy for future generations (and all that against the best efforts of a supposedly “conservative” party), your parents may have been right.
Combine it with the semi-adjustable GAMER wrist-proximity-fixation devices (also available in plush) as well as the the GAMER lumination-induced eye strain block face-covering mask device for best results.
Four out of five doctors recommend Marlboro cigarettes. The fifth one would too, if he weren’t currently in the hospital with all this unrelated lung cancer.
I would actually like to no.
One button left called “Watch Ad” and it spans the whole screen.
Related: Sam Vimes ‘Boots’ Theory of Socio-Economic Unfairness
Can’t. The band would sue.
But how many ounces per stone in a tenday is that?
What’s the mysterious third condiment???
Could stand a good 90% more cropping.