thanks. sorry. I am upset an amount beyond the right I have, but also have the responsibility, to be.
thanks. sorry. I am upset an amount beyond the right I have, but also have the responsibility, to be.
ah shit. Bad wording. I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to come off that way, just upset and didn’t mean to minimize. I can’t do much, but I can be a pain in the ass at the DMV tomorrow and force a case. Not much blowback on someone like me.
Fuck you I’m a woman owned business now and also my DMV can’t issue liscences designated male without proof of… exogenesis? Parthogenisis? Some kind of nobel winning genesis?
I recommend everyone visit the DMV as soon as possible to change their license. It’s an order from the commander in chief.
Now that I think of it: every DMV should be only be able to issue licenses with a female designation. Facts and law suites don’t care about your feelings, snow flakes.
I tried to get a photo in front of the gate with a donught. Apparently it’s just not a very popular pastry in Germany, or at least it wasn’t at the time (not suprised given what I ate there… Don’t know why you’d settle). IIRC even the dunkins nearby didn’t have one.
Insurance companies jacking up premiums and/or pulling out of areas is like the only proper feedback loop for adapting to climate change left. Not saying I’m happy about it. I would not be totally shocked if health insurance starts having carve outs for heat related illnesses and their complications. Typing it out, I guess what’s more likely is raising premiums in areas with hospitals that serve a patient base in a high risk area.
It’s not even evil, it’s just math, so long as this is the way we want healthcare to “work”.
Dude, they flubbed this so damn hard by over reaching. A few years ago, when they mentioned there would be a button in word that you could use to make a slide deck of your word dock, I was so excited. The teams meeting part where it will summarize meetings is honestly fantastic in doing Roberts rules of order type stuff. My response was “I hate what this means in terms of privacy, but godamn that sounds useful”.
In turning into an everything all or nothing they massively screwed up. I have a self hosted instance of llama-gpt that I use to solve the “blank page” problem that AI was actually great at.
I have a lot of issues with AI on principle, like a lot of folks. But it blows my mind how hard they screwed up delivery (and I don’t just mean the startups, that’s to be expected). There’s plenty to be said about uber at a principle level, but it’s still bloody convenient. The entire roll out of a AI-ecosystem reeks of this meme: “but we made plans!”.
So, ditto. Something is different about the pre packaged “tajin”.
“enclosure acting as dwelling without permit” : mouse got in and died bud.
Man, I could be wrong but I swear the flat earth started as a joke like the whole “birds aren’t real” thing. But it had a more intellectual thought excersizey angle like “tell me why the earth is round”. I know for a fact that’s how my earth science teacher used it getting into how to structure a testable hypothesis and the scientific method. I wonder everytime I see flat earth shit when exactly he had to retire that one. It’s to bad because it was great then.
Fair enough. That’s because I’ll admit it’s not something that makes a ton of sense to me; I’ve always felt pretty comfy in my own skin. On the other hand, I certainly have felt unwelcome, and wouldn’t want someone to feel that way. So it’s nice to hear whats going on in other peoples heads.
“which name they’re going by this decade”
It’s boggles my mind some folks (not that you did) bring this up as a refutation of some sort. A habitual Thanksgiving guest has been figuring some stuff out for a while. I couldn’t care less what they go by, except in so far as I hope it makes them happy. Like I guess I’d be happy to see it consistent because that means that person found something they’re extra comfy in, but in meantime you do you… And please pass the gravy… And also what did you think about starfield… Only reason we need to talk about it is if you need someone to talk to.
I screw this up all. The. Time. I’m very good about not dead naming but really bad at pronouns. It’s never been an issue because I’m putting forward the effort, people understand it’s not intentionally disrespectful, and it helps I routinely get the names (birth names, that they’ve had for 30+ years) of decades long friends wrong.
I know that doesn’t make it OK and I still try. But people act like if you mess up you’re instantly beaten to death by a mob. Respect and welcomeness shows through even if you screw up. I know it’s important to people, and that the person probably has a bunch of stories that more than justify being prickly about it, so I try and get it right. But it is amazing how much more just, you know, being a basic, respectful, human being who wants someone to be comfortable and talk about shared interests goes.
And that’s always been a little sad to me. I can stumble through something that means a lot to that other person, something that they’ve probably lost a lot of sleep over, and yet extending just the basics of human courtesy goes so far, because it’s not something that garunteed.
I don’t get to refuse anything. I’m just complying with an order, or my state is saying, on record, they refuse to comply. All I can do is say the facts. Facts don’t care about your feelings.