Or be around Catholics.
Or be around Catholics.
Already in the 1920s the Labor movement disregarded its socialist roots and concentrated on building the nation by constructive action. According to Tzahor its leaders did not “abandon fundamental ideological principles”.[15] However, according to Ze’ev Sternhell in his book The Founding Myths of Israel, the labor leaders had already abandoned socialist principles by 1920 and only used them as “mobilizing myths”.
From the page Dataprolet linked.
Fucking hell I didn’t know it was that bad!
Thanks for finally putting up a link. It doesn’t mention anything about Zionism, though, but a few links in it does say that
Zadoc Kahn presented the German Jewish philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch with the project of setting up a Jewish settlement in Argentina, before JCA was created in 1891. Theodor Herzl considered it expensive and unrealistic. In 1896, when Hirsch died, the association owned a thousand square kilometers of land in the country on which lived a thousand households, the “Jewish gauchos”. It focused on agricultural settlements in Argentina until East European Jews were forbidden to emigrate there. In 1920, 150,000 Jews lived in Argentina[8] and new settlements appeared: (Lapin, Rivera), Entre Ríos (San Gregorio, Villa Domínguez, Carmel, Ingeniero Sajaroff, Villa Clara, and Villaguay),[9] and Santa Fe (Moisés Ville) (about 64% Jews lived in Entre Ríos.)[10]
Please remember that Jewish immigrants != Zionism and that Zionism is not the same a Judaism.
Of those that came in contact with Europeans yes, I think so, but I’m not sure how, for example, the Lakota people came to be on the land they were before they came in contact with Europeans.
Thanks for the additional context.
Well, about Ariel Sharon (from Wikipedia)
An official enquiry found that he bore “personal responsibility” for the Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinian refugees, for which he became known as the “Butcher of Beirut” among Arabs. He was subsequently removed as defense minister.
And Begin
was described by the British government as the “leader of the notorious terrorist organisation”.
And there was a famous open letter published (the one signed by Einstein, among others) that
described Begin’s Herut party as “terrorist, right-wing chauvinist organization in Palestine,”[34] “closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties” and accused his group (along with the smaller, militant, Stern Gang) of preaching “racial superiority” and having “inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community”.
And those guys held the highest government office of Israel! It might be weird but it’s not uncommon, especially if you look into other government posts too. Like I said, the more you look into it the worse it gets.
Edit: another example
In 1915, Pinhas Felix Rosenblüth, who rose to be Israel’s first Justice Minister, wrote in a field report on Ostjuden published in Der Jüdische Student that the great lesson for young Jewish Zionists fighting on the eastern front, on experiencing delusions at what they observe of Jewish life there, was that Palestine was one large “institute for the fumigation of (all) Jewish vermin” (Große Entlausungsanstalt für alles jüdische Ungeziefer).
Stop deflecting. It seems like you don’t have any answers.
Spain had no right to colonize what is now Argentina. Stealing land is wrong, genocide is wrong. These are not difficult concepts and they apply to everyone.
Still waiting to hear about Zionists planning to establish Israel in Argentina.
They also considered Argentine, for example.
Is that so? What pretext would they have had for stealing land in Argentina?
Thank you, I didn’t know that.
No, that’s not right. Palestine was chosen based on a book of ancient mythology. Jews were a majority in Palestine a couple thousand years ago, though.
Imagine if the great great grandchildren of Chinese immigrants to America in the 1800s, no matter how mixed race they are now, suddenly immigrated to China, expelled or killed the native Chinese, and claimed that all of China belongs to them because their ancestors were there at an arbitrary point in time. It would be weird, right?
Go ahead, please post it anywhere. It’s important that people know history.
Why 1920?
Everything stated is linked in the description.
Can you show some examples of socialist and anarchist Zionism?
I guess that’s the far-right aspect to “balance out” the far-left aspect… A perfect amalgamation!
I guess, yea.
Lehi supported both Hitler and Stalin.
You’re right, that does make the picture more complete!
It seems like the powers-that-be are trying to manufacture animosity toward China among the commoners. I guess that means they see China as a threat and want us to fight China for them. They’ll do anything to distract from the class war but I know it wasn’t the Chinese people that shipped jobs to China, it was the western capitalists.
Hmmm, thanks.
No. The answer is no, they don’t understand.
This is a dumb take bred from perceived superiority.
actions breed habits
Lmao “I got to the polls in November and my muscle memory took over and I voted uncommitted in the general election, since I did it once 8 months ago I couldn’t resist”. This is like Dunning-Kreuger for life in general.
Or is it a “just don’t do anything” enlightened centrist take?
We got to the “this entire community…” stage way faster than Reddit did.