Oh I get it.
Yeah running countries is a series of shitty compromises, unless you are small enough to gain consensus.
Oh I get it.
Yeah running countries is a series of shitty compromises, unless you are small enough to gain consensus.
The drone strikes thing is a bad example. If he didn’t touch it, individual combat units could use drones with impunity. He required drone strikes to be approved by his office.
Tell me if you had the choice between sending in boots to kill a guy, or drone strike, would you really ever risk your guys getting shot?
He added red tape, the minimum thing he could do. I’ll agree with criticism that he did the bare minimum, but all these comments about this frame it like he was horny for drones. That’s reductive and misleading.
Arduino Opta ad is the one and I engaged with in memory, now ads are relevant even if I don’t click.
When I’m home there’s pihole.
Is there an SCP for this
This guy prefers his women sans flesh. Hmmm
Doing hentai addicts and dogfuckers dirty
It would be irresponsible to play at a venue that can’t handle the crowd needs that the artist would attract.
Breaking up Live Nation is the solution. Expecting musicians to put touring on hold while that happens isn’t reasonable.
Yeah sure, they could go play in a field, and never play in Live Nation venues ( which is basically all of them)
Then they can worry about transit access, food and beverage services, garbage, toilets, safety staff, medical staff, weather, ticket vending( because if they play for free 10x people will come), local accommodation, local permits, stage construction, electrical service, rentals for the above equipment and materials… I’m sure I’m forgetting something.
I didn’t think about risk management on lump sum vs annuity from the management side, that changes things.
Much better to take the lump sum, and manage it as aggressively or conservatively as you want. Unless it’s government insured, and the government will step in to continue paying you if the fiduciary goes tits up.
But then how much utility can you get out of the lump sum early on with those calculations?
There has to be some break even point, if your burn rate is high enough the annuity is better.
So the prostitute could have been 16?
Calling his emotional state “skin hunger” was definitely sabotaging his chances.
A local radio host had the same idea a bit ago
I posted this in another thread
He’s literally extremely privileged and still suffered from a for profit system, so yes people with less means have it worse.
He did suffer, but he never became homeless, lived in fear day to day, or had to ration life-saving medications like insulin.
Is it complicated? Or is it really fucking simple and these people just don’t like it?
She is awesome
No but I want to
She is the kind of person that wouldn’t disrespect an opponent by playing a lazy game, so 100% this.