Absolutely every genius or inventor is tarred with the crazy eccentric brush
I don’t want to learn new things, I’m just going to eat human, thanks
Sorry if anyone you like goes missing
Seems like an aggressive pickup line
Radical acceptance
At least this app won’t slap me while I’m sitting on the toilet.
Quality wife. Tell her mine says hi.
The biggest absolute price decrease in the price of 2 liters of coca-cola was in 2015, when the price dropped by $-1.79, or -100%.
Coke was free in 2015? Or is there a script filing is these paragraphs and it’s counting missed data points as zero?
“never more than 2 weeks pregnant” would be much less alarming, but it does have the implication of yeeting blastocysts at the grim reaper, however many or few…
Cave humans
PCIe would be super impressive, I’m not sure that it could even be accomplished.
I think you would need to fab his entire stack to make it work. Unbreadboarded would be a super cool project and if that’s the space you want to work in, it would make a great portfolio item.
I’d pay good money for a working one.
Someone fabbing a PCB and selling it unpopulated would be great too
Careful, you might get the caste wrong.
I’d give a customer a good discount on repeatable work in bulk.
Men doing feminine things doesn’t mean anything about who they are attracted to.
So implying that name by marriage still implies ownership, excludes me, a man that wants to fly the banner of his wife’s clan.
You aren’t supporting your “different priorities” very well.
I took my wife’s name.
This is funny because the cishet white guy the meme refers to thinks it’s his right to stand-your-ground a guy walking around the neighborhood.