I’m mostly half-serious.
That’s a false dichotomy. It is not the difference between the teacher doing everything and the teacher doing literally nothing (“if nothing is laid out for me”). The expectation is that, in *your * education, the teacher should do their job to teach and you do your due diligence as a student to learn.
The latter point is what the post is about. Students who put in no effort at all. If that doesn’t apply to you, then you shouldn’t feel annoyed.
You’re completely ignoring the “boys” vs “girls” part and only seeing the race of fictional characters. But, who knows, maybe OP is making a racist dog whistle. I didn’t take it that way, you can take it however you want. I just stopped caring.
Difference between hallucination and illusion is in the first case there just is no object and in the second case you’re ascribing the wrong properties to some actual object. So this aint a hallucination
This is like German-Japanese interracial meme porn
damn, I didn’t see this was already posted. I’ll do this one instead:
I have actually done this lol. Relatable
The point of the post isn’t about the race of the children (OP was careful to make them both the same race in the comparison). The point is a difference in gender, with boys and girls fantasizing about being fictional characters differently.
Can’t be disappointed by your role models if they don’t exist * taps forehead
Ah nein, wir gehen hier weider
Fuck the police. In the words of Onyx: NYPD can suck my dick
Since no one answered: I think the users on the instance (copy of Lemmy) need to federate (connect) with other instances in order for the first instance to be federated (semi-permanently in communication) with those other instances.
Literally just send them this meme and see if they keep at it
I get my privacy from Nord VPN. Click the link in the description to get 69% off a 5 year commitment. THanKs NorD VpN!
I don’t download it because I have an addictive personality. But it kinda feels like our digital privacy has been thrown out the window no matter what you do
It would be funny if it didn’t hurt so much. Rent is too high, grocery bill has me intermittent fasting, and I walk/bike instead of driving now. Shit is rough out here.
Don’t forget Boomer movies. So many classics that we have all collectively forgotten about. Personally, I’m getting into Westerns.