And as soon as the government wants it, most companies hand it right over.
And as soon as the government wants it, most companies hand it right over.
Ohh yeah, I’ve used that one
Do you happen to know any civil engineers, I would like to see these formulas
Red pill does definitely come from matrix, but I’m not seeing anywhere stating that they were inspired by estrogen
Now you’ve got me wondering if I’ve ever actually seen ice that was an actual geometric cube
I wish you the best of luck with your tinnitus. Medicine is unfortunately imperfect, and sometimes it takes a while and a few doctors to find the cause of an ailment.
Your concern does remind me of a younger version of myself. What have you done to help treat your anxiety?
Does Minecraft’s fishing mechanic count?
My first impression was that this puts an awful lot on the player to remember, that wouldn’t even be a thing for somebody who actually lived in the world.
I think I could tolerate some of this though if games would stop having main storyline plots that revolved around rush rush rush. Looking at you, cyberpunk 2077.
Wouldn’t they be knee high high heels? They are knee high, and the heels are high.
That’s nothing, once I went through the desert on a horse with no name.
The size of Monica’s apartment was mentioned in the show. It was her grandma’s apartment and under rent control; the apartment building didn’t know that it wasn’t the Grandma anymore. With that, it wasn’t unreasonable for her to be able to afford it during the 90s