Good point. Not everyone swears like a trooper. I’m ex British army so can live with it. But I wouldn’t swear in mixed company or in front of my daughter, even though she is over 21.
Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it nearly 60 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)
Good point. Not everyone swears like a trooper. I’m ex British army so can live with it. But I wouldn’t swear in mixed company or in front of my daughter, even though she is over 21.
Overdue - more national media needs to take this step.
The US presidential election campaign served only to underline what we have considered for a long time: that X is a toxic media platform and that its owner, Elon Musk, has been able to use its influence to shape political discourse.
It’s not like they weren’t warned though.
They’re not even hiding are they?
They may as well just superimpose a swastika on their logo and have done with it.
China doesn’t give a flying friar about anyone else. The fact that this could make launches difficult for them is neither here nor there.
They really don’t care.
Other connections to the Fediverse are on the way, apparently.
Same with the Hitchhikers stunt.
I can’t make the lyrics fit the tune ☹️
It looks very nice too.
The ancient Greeks used Duck Duck Go.
photoshopped before computer in Darkrooms. >
I hope you mean edited. And I hope you realise the tools used in Photoshop are named after their original darkroom processes.
Ah, right. Thanks.
actually heard a story where someone made an allegation
Reposting things like this doesn’t help - people will pick up this as fact. Unless you can prove it, don’t post it.
I want to be able to print my calendar!
He just wouldn’t let it lie.
Yes, they had a million and one things designed to catch your head, knee, elbow, eye etc. What that diagram doesn’t make clear is the bench seat running down the centre for the operators and Command Post Officer (CPO) to sit on. Underneath that were the batteries for FACE, 8 (or possibly 6) great big 12v 100ah lead acid things.
Space was at a premium. In this pic I’m sitting with my back to the teleprinter and Bob Cooper was sitting on the commanders seat - it used to drop down and become a seat for a signaller :-)
This would have been taken about 1983/4
The computer used by the Artillery (the one I was trained on in the 80s) was called FACE and had a magnetic core memory of about 8k https://nigelef.tripod.com/fc_computer.htm
Skimmed through the video and will watch at a later date. Absolutely fascinating. It used to work at a Raytheon company (Cossor in HarlowvUK) on kit that had similar electronics, back in the 70s. It was like being back in the factory :-)
When I was in the Royal Artillery (80-97) we had a system called PADS (Precision Azimuth Determining System) that was used for survey of gun positions. It had some fancy gyroscopes inside. I now know where that originated ;-)
None. Just the one built into Samsung.
Now imagine it printing out adverts whilst you’re not using it.
They don’t like it up 'em, do they?
Can’t accept it when it happens to them.