Yep, tankies can be reasoned with. Liberals will not engage, change the topic, go back to their delusional fantasy world.
Yep, tankies can be reasoned with. Liberals will not engage, change the topic, go back to their delusional fantasy world.
Please stop you’re killing me.
You’re a gullible one aren’t you? I got some beans to sell you. They’re magic beans.
The correct way to debate fascists in the marketplace of ideas. 😌
This ain’t it.
Americans be like “we need guns to oppose tyranny” then use guns to install fascism and threaten the most disadvantaged people in society.
Super Mario Ultimate Multiplayer Superstars.
Princess Peach sets a trap. Toad slips something into a drink. Mario does his thing. Yoshi is the getaway.
Bless the prisoners and everyone else looking out for our boy Luigi.
Not at first. The first tasks would be making sure all are housed, fed, and can lead decent lives where work is meaningful and necessary.
But even while that’s going on we would have a great number of people who would be better off doing minimum work and pursuing other interests. Much of the “work” under capitalism is just detrimental to ourselves and our environment.
Space travel would become meaningful and achievable again as it would not need to find a reason to be profitable. We would free to combine our global resources, to share technology and pursue space travel for the simple pursuits of exploration and survival.
It would actually inspire many people to pursue and take an interest in Space travel when they’re not forced to live as slaves doing meaningless jobs building plastic trinkets or figuring out how to get money out of people on mindless phone games.
And the goal would not just be for some competing companies to stick flags on rocks or mine asteroids to make more useless trinkets.
So I think it would become a great focus as we’d no longer be toiling just to live another day and would be asking greater questions about our place in the universe.
Most likely Parallel Construction.
Snowden revealed some of the surveillance powers of PRISM and agencies like the NSA. Local police would not have access to those kinds of technologies, but calls could be made to push the police in the right direction.
“It’s not the class you were born into, it’s the class you’re willing to fight for.”
If he was poor the narrative would be he’s just jealous and should have got a job and worked his way up.
The horrors persist, yet we remain silly.
As bad as things are, if we all just called in sick tomorrow and didn’t go back to work for a week, stopped paying rent, we could change things.
Israeli snipers target women and children on purpose. They wear t-shirts showing targets on Palestinian women’s pregnant bellies. Any talk about “human shields” from Israelis is pure gaslighting.
First as in first of many.