I a civilised society, this sort of business would be outlawed
I a civilised society, this sort of business would be outlawed
As a european I have to say I really do hope he swiftly drives you into the ground as quickly and as hard as possible. That way, you might still have a chance to save whatever is left of your democracy before the surveillance state can be fully weaponized against his opposition. The human suffering a fully formed fascist state would bring upon your people (an the rest of the world mind you) would over time still be much worse than the mother of all economic crashes if he triples down on his stupid tariffs right now.
Yuup. Especially given waves at everything going on on the world rn thanks to so called auth right
I think all people should die of old age.
Sounds like USSR style authoritarian dictatorship with planned economy with extra steps.
Do we get to eat the rich first?
Wowee what a surprise
The’ve been here for so long they blend in perfectly. It’s better on lemmy than on reddit but boy do we have lots of USA national chauvinists on here too.
Not trying to defend tankies btw.
Can you not infinite loop in lambda calculus for 5 minutes?
2025-01-26 so it’s 26.01. It’s easy to look up. All you need to know is that the date goes YYY-MM-DD (year -> month -> day). You do the same thing when you write 26.01 instead of 26.01.2025, since you are just dropping information about the year.
Starting out with “you can’t change my mind” is fine but then don’t argue for your point with arguments that can easily be debunked. Use whichever format you like better but don’t pretend that’s more than personal preference at that point.
The big argument for the iso date-time format is lexicographic ordering. If you don’t care about that, then don’t use it.
Just as a side-note: some european countries were in fact considering switching to the iso date-time format but didn’t because it would have been an inconvenience to people already familiar with different formats. Basically the “it’s better but people prefer the older format” thing we have going on in the comment sections right now.
Poor Java devs
In todays world, the credo must become “Seize the means of computation!”
Glazing Donald’s ego is a last ditch effort to save their platform. This is entirely on the Democrats—they didn’t have to agree to the ban, they could have insisted on higher standards for transparency and data security for social media instead. But banning the platform that featured pro-palestinian sentiment was more important to them. Now all that’s left is billionaire owned pro-Trump social media which Tik Tok may or may not join in the future. Good job guys!
That was a nice read!
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