Capital poured into capital-intensive AI not about to give up power without a fight.
Capital poured into capital-intensive AI not about to give up power without a fight.
Interesting how far higher YouTube’s trustworthiness is compared to the rest.
No buyers shouldn’t take responsibility. This is how we ended up here in the first place. Outsourcing work to people who aren’t equipped with the resources to do it. I wish everyone had a mass spectrometer at home but it’s likely impossible and that’s not the only tool we’d need in order to solve this problem. Also it would be grossly inefficient use of mass spectrometers.
I see, thanks!
If you want to give money to Pixelfed - here’s the official avenues from their website.
Windows are privacy-invasive.
I guess this is a good litmus test that Xitter has indeed gone down the shitter. After all propaganda actors need to reach people to be effective.
Being able to look for “Linux meme” and get these results is spectacular:
It’s a trap.
- A message from Canada
Oh this is very interesting!
Sounds a bit like the drug dealer’s business model.
I think federated non-profit video platforms won’t work on large scale without P2P.
Android has had this built-in for a few releases now.
The distance and the budget call for 75-85". I have had good luck with an entry level Sony. I bought an X85K 85" two years ago. It’s one step above the cheapest model. The cheapest model was an IPS panel which had a bit shittier performance. I don’t recall in what regard. X85K is a Samsung panel. It’s a standard no-nonsense LED side backlight which is very robust over time. The original unit was a lemon. It developed a line across the screen. I got it replaced under warranty. The second unit has been flawless so far. Software-wise, it’s a bog-standard Android TV/Google TV. Doesn’t require Internet connection to setup. With that said I use a CCwGTV with it and I don’t hear a peep from the TV OS about anything. The only thing I didn’t like about it was the price at the time. I bought it straight from Sony, they ship from GTA. It was available from other retailers too. I think this model might still be current actually. I still see it on Sony’s web along with another one - X85J.
Prior to that I had an entry level Samsung 75". It was fine too. Didn’t require Internet. The panel was a similar affair, slightly worse in terms of blacks and uniformity but I’m sure that wasn’t due to its Samsungness but was simply a cheaper panel than what Sony uses.
cross device syncing between desktop and phone
This is me
The 0.1% we deserve.
They can criminalize downloading it for example.