We just watched “The Trap” last night. There was a major pop concert that ended in time for family dinner time during daylight. In the concert, they were depicted having time to make multiple trips to the merch tables and concessions, and in one of those trips, they talked like it was an intermission to change the stage set between songs.
The developers just put their own logic into its estimation software.
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If you time it right and if the rushy dweebs don’t block all the lanes, you’ll fly right by them, coasting.
Cat and bread attached to generator: not falling.
Not falling: not flipping.
And we can all at least understand when it doesn’t get closed after someone takes a slice. Maybe the last person thought someone else was going to get a slice? But a box remaining open with zero slices removed… that’s not human.
I did this for years. Yep, it works enoughish, but I’m so much happier on a password manager now, and it’s pretty fun to see the managed passwords having so much more entropy than even the most obscure things I was algorithmically generating. Also, the speed of using a manager is great. Somehow I ended up with multiple Ticketmaster accounts (from using a different email address for some one-off season tickets that migrated into TM later). I think the moment I realized I wanted to change to a manager was when I was walking up to a concert and realized I hadn’t downloaded my ticket. I got into TM and realized I needed to switch accounts. So then I’m trying to walk and type my big fucky nerd-assed brain-generated password on mobile, fat-fingering the touchscreen keyboard, almost locking myself out of the account when I just want to get into the venue and relax. Later, that first moment trying an integrated pass manager and effortlessly switching between accounts, each with far stronger passes than I would have remembered, limited only by the loading speed of the site and with virtually zero chance of locking myself out… that really made me feel like fancy Pooh meme.
Let me know when it’s gonna be May.
Not arguing about the merits of blockchain, but if your money is in a bank, it is on a computer that depends on cryptography (TLS) for controlling access.
edit: Well, ok, at least then it’s not just crypto standing between your assets and someone else. Then there’s going to be at least another layer, like multifactor authentication, VPN/MPLS, etc., depending on the point being attacked.
Is the joke that they didn’t waste any time arming with the new tech?
I just want to end misspelling “avocado” .
I’m still happy for a meme that ridicules bright screens at night.
Are we resurrecting these old puns again?
Top-to-bottom overrides, and, oh, look at that, this meme reinforced the reverse order by also setting the later comment above the earlier one.
Wow, TIL. Whenever I’m down on my life’s accomplishments, I’ll just remember that this tried to happen.
Generally, you’re totally on point, but I just wanted to drill into that mention about hotkeys for switching windows. You mean something other than alt+tab, ctrl+tab, and in some applications shift+brackets?