Kbin account for artisanrox@mstdn.social. Yay!
One has stashes of money and the other has hot cocoa and marshmallows fondue
get out of my head, interwebs
Funyuns are soooooo tasty AND they don’t want to kill you for using the bathroom
This has always been one of my favorites 🥰
( o Y o )
not used to this sort of thing actually formatting correctly lol
the boba is the powerhouse of all the cells
it’s ok, OP, you can actually say “Republicans” instead of tHe GoVerNmEnT.
Dark Brandon isn’t taking Margie Greene’s dumb shit anymore! 👹
My cat does this with my onion rings and I’m like NO DUDE YOU’LL DIE
You do realize this comic then violates “thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor” tho…right?
omg YES. So weird and creepy. And not just ads…Youtube recommendations, fluff news stories, songs you didn’t know existed…
this meme is kinda meta for me too 💀 because I wondered who else experiences this
I might need one, I have a live-in boss that yells at me for food and they are pretty furry
yes, and it’s not only if you’re driving a $1000gas/month, triple-wide extended club cab Ford 78500-50 with a 9’ front end and raised tires.
The average drive here to work is ~30minutes with zero public transportation in most places. I go through 4ish towns myself. Add in terrible weather ~4 months out of the year in rural areas, that’s why most people have SUVs.
Of course the dumbshit street-legal mobile tanks that the neonazis spend $1000/month in petrol on are RIDICULOUS, overkill, and definitely compensating for something, but most people not in cities need safe cold-weather vehicles.
lol…no, we don’t. Unless they’re bedroom slippers. Some bedroom slippers really could pass for shoes but they’re not nearly as protective.
YES totally understandable. That’s why I did the title like how it is, or people would (understandably) make the awful mistaken conclusion I think Doris is cool or something.