Don’t eat the fast food 👌
Don’t eat the fast food 👌
This is why I still play Dota 2 with my buddies on discord, made new friends, some local but most online in Dota 2
I’m using Control D dns on my phone, i get better latency
Also ADguard dns service for your mobile device on Mobile networks
use English as an official language for EU Brexit
Really annoying start search that doesn’t go to the control panel programs but opens bing search instead, also the right control panel features are not linked from the new 2024 system app ui WTF
IDK hot women are hot not based on age, if the have good common sense and intelligence, already above 7. I’d rather date an 18 year old who can think critically and not believe dumb nonsense on Facebook than a 40 year old who talks like a spoiled elementary schooler believing in essential oils and qanon shit. Plus no random kids from Father’s they don’t know💀
Shh don’t scare big dairy
Except in ram
Yeah cellphones have way more functionality, webcam is 1000x better on the phone too
Didn’t some of our military air force equipment require Russian titanium back in the day?
Any that likes most anime
I know more girls who openly love nekopara than guys
I don’t really relate, but I’m the one playing the hentai games
Unless you live in the countryside there used to be public transportation in cities until the car companies bought them out and dismantled them
Only competition should be Reddit not other instances
I mean… Who won?