Big fan of Obsidian. Especially for written notes. If you are working with a lot of images I’d give its canvas feature a try. I’m not using it personally, but I think it might fit the bill.
Big fan of Obsidian. Especially for written notes. If you are working with a lot of images I’d give its canvas feature a try. I’m not using it personally, but I think it might fit the bill.
“Main character energy” is a great way to put it. If I came across someone wearing these I’d have some assumptions…
Yes. “The internet never forgets” is actually a thing.
I think it’s extremely hard to tell what people would prioritize. If you aks them hypothetically, everyone probably is some green warrior for mother earth. But then when push comes to shove, the industry will give them the choice between a flagship phone, glued all around, and a phone with a removable battery with all the greatest specs from five years ago. Of course many will chose the glued ond, and then some people will be like “welp, the free market has decided”. 🤷
This was one of the main selling features for me (before I tried it and experienced all the other killer features). I’ve experienced a bad case of vendor-lock before where it was hell to export my data. So having it all available in plain text at all times is really reassuring.