That’s the ticket.
That’s the ticket.
And saves data but it seems even fewer people care about that.
I’m one of the 12 people on the planet who crop out the extra stuff like the top bar. I know I’m asking a lot for people to do the same.
I’d be very fine with it being tax funded instead of being funded by stamps and parcel metering. We might have much less shit mail as a result. It was an actual part of this government, not a corporation like now, before 1970, when the Reorg Act went into effect. Look before 1970 then USPS workers were not allowed to collectively bargain but that still could have been achieved with the a different outcome in 1970.
I would be very fine with tax funding because as a service the work they do facilitates other sectors’ viabilities. There might also be more accountability to help the workers.
Now they will swing hard in the other direction. Heaven forbid you have TOO MUCH pension coverage as inflation spikes.
USPS should not focus on profitability and fuck Uber and the gig economy.
Convergent evolution is pretty cool.
It is possible to donate to a specific troop instead of getting cookies but it is extremely difficult. It is a complete scam org that happens to do some neat stuff. Teaching kids how to be the labor, marketing, and sales, but not get paid will always enrage me.
Ahh yes, time for the national child labor pyramid scheme.
Eventually but my partner still saw the genocide there.
Problem is that insta also had the same content and plenty of folks saw it there too but the focus was on Chinese influence.
I found it interesting that this Tiktok regulation talk hit peak fervor around the time that youths were using tiktok to fully grasp the severity of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Meanwhile mainstream corporate media was painting a very different and dishonest story of the genocide.
We need broad regulation for social media in the US, not cherry picked fervor for political reasons.
Shocker, with the use of the R word.
That skateboarding lifestyle has made that 40 year old age significantly faster than normal…
Ahh the sweet sweet embrace of the completely functional United States social safety net. For it is written in the stars, the benevolent magic hand of the market will provide.
Read before commenting, though I’m not sure you are capable of reading. Judaism is not Zionism. Eat shit, antisemitic human or bot.
Fuck AI garbage images. Israel does not have blanket authority to represent being Jewish. Hell yeah let’s free Palestine but this is pretty antisemitic with your statement. That’s not a menorah. How are some of those candles even supported? The fire extinguisher is all wrong. He is holding it backwards. The tube where the fire suppressant comes out is just dangling there. Like I said, fuck AI garbage and conflating Judaism with Zionism.
This is a bad joke and a terrible meme.
He needs the Homer Stokes treatment. He basically is Homer Stokes.