It seems funny at first, but knowing they don’t hate a media twisted version of you, but the real thing, is more depressing than funny.
It seems funny at first, but knowing they don’t hate a media twisted version of you, but the real thing, is more depressing than funny.
is this a joke I’m too hypertense to understand?
philosophers are still coasting on the fact that they were mixed in with the real sciences in the past.
they are nothing but a bunch of glorified poets. you can get the same level of authority in the lyrics of any god damn song.
your average homeless will sell the house in 5 microseconds for crack money or sign it away under duress.
homeless people need safer shelters, healthcare, detoxing, therapy, coaching and resources to help them out of the downward spiral they are in.
throwing free housing to vulnerable people suffering from addiction and mental illnesses is one of the stupidest things I have heard.
seems like it’s trying to imply that homeless people are homeless because houses are too expensive.
as if the guys in the bottom pic could afford a department in the top picture, but have to live in a tent because housing is expensive.
I think what the meme does say is that OP is mentally 12.
the worst fucking offender at this has to be Mass Effect, and this is coming from someone who deeply loves Mass Effect.
I don’t buy DLC on principle, I will buy a proper expansion but not a DLC, so when I started Mass Effect 3 I didn’t understand what the fuck was going on. I had to google it because the start of the game ties in with a DLC from the second game, what a crock of shit.
no open carry? what is this? the soviet union?
does anything create matter? or just transforms it?
you are mistaking having a hobby with having a true passion for something.
the problem is that a lot of people are passionate about nothing.
meme made by someone without eye problems I imagine.
I cannot see that logo unless I get into an awkward distance, so I’m asking.
do you think the schools have the resources to “launch an investigation” every time there’s a fight? you may end up with one side of the story anyways, that’s ridiculous. don’t ask from a school stuff with what the justice system struggles.