You’ve got full health and mana, but you had to drink 16 of them and now have a weird status effect that makes your pee sweet.
But don’t let it distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.
Pam: Not without a bunch of garlic and some wooden stakes!
Krieger: They’re clones, not vampires.
Pam: Doesn’t matter to the stake!
Word of caution: these used GPUs will have spent a lot of time doing AI bullshit with as little downtime as possible. Make sure you get a good enough deal for the risk that it just dies in 2 months.
Oh looks it’s punch me in the face Elmo. So hot right now.
It’s only a Molotov cocktail if it comes from the Putsch region of Russia, otherwise it’s just sparkling arson.
Yeah but you gotta warn a person before you hand them a square burger or you might get popped
If she promises to make her podcast ‘Talk Tuah’ go away, then I say we call it squaresies
Ah you must have a cold.
What’s a battle?
I think a big part of this is rural over representation. Not even talking the senate, but the house to be fair should allot 1 rep per the minimum pop of any state, which would give us about 573 reps and like 676 electors for president. Hell if we did it as the founders intended, one per like 60k people we’d have a house of 5.6k members.
Rubbing alcohol, big grain salt, dish soap, if anyone’s piece is more of an oil lantern than a pipe right now.
Pauly Shore would be the best dad
I mean IANA or whatever literally made up a standard where two letter TLDs were reserved for countries even if they aren’t how those countries refer to themselves, see gr for Greece. I’m assuming .io just stands for Indian Ocean in this case, which seems like probably not how the chagosans self identify. Then you have countries like Montenegro that have .me and realized it means something in English so capitalized on it by licensing a company to resell .me domains.
I don’t think I have any particular point other than I think it’s dumb to have a system of artificial scarcity be the only alternative to having to remember the IP of every damn site I want to use.
I’ll put it on the list with Wu-Tang Clan
Well then you’re not my friend, guy.
I put it firmly in the “win stupid prizes” column
One Hank to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.