Ah that’s the one I must’ve been thinking of, thanks.
I think if you don’t count the culling of baby calves the average age is ~6years so like 82kg of plastic.
Farm animals are legally allowed to eat actual plastic, not only microplastics. If you’re afraid of microplastics or accumulation of substances maybe don’t eat meat.
Legal limit of plastic in animal feed is 0.15% in the EU
A cow eats 25kg of dry food a day
25/100*0.15 = 0.0375kg = 37.5grams
A plastic bag weighs 6-8grams.
You are legally allowed to feed your cow 5 plastic bags a day (as a snack)
If you think you’re not seeing propaganda, you are not seeing the propaganda.
Maybe homo sapien milk? So breast milk for our own species instead of for baby cows?
It’s kinda our business too because people are still forcing birds into confined spaces and making them sick, and being vegan is a stance against that.