you seriously think there’s no difference between Black Americans using this term since the 70’s and white kids on TikTok appropriating language?
you seriously think there’s no difference between Black Americans using this term since the 70’s and white kids on TikTok appropriating language?
it’s Black American English not “gen z slang”
don’t cut yourself on that edge, atheism understander. it was a joke
atheist fanatics getting owned by facts and logic (the bible)
tankies when Russian imperialism: US cultural export 🤷🏻♀️
Mista White we ran out of T, how do we make some more?
this only applies if your gender is binary. your description sounds more like trans man
also known as mask4mask transmasc
no, what you want is audiobookbay
based. imagine the amount of dust they pick up though
Stallman mansplaining how sex and intercourse are 2 different things
let me guess, you’re also an Arch user? 😏
insert virgin Meta employee vs Chad seedbox nerd meme
their public talks and protests on TikTok really helped with my hopelessness as a long COVID person
hey look it’s my favorite advocacy group, Berlin Buyer’s Club!
anyone who supports China isn’t a communist, end of discussion. you couldn’t define communism even with Das Kapital in front of you
tankies aren’t communists. Marx would’ve laughed at authoritarians calling themselves communists
calling tankies communists is like calling Scandinavia socialist
it’s really different actually since other Europeans adopting french terms is a result of french colonialism conferring an allure of prestige to french terms. the reason Europeans were desperate to integrate french culture was because they also wanted to enjoy the spoils of colonialism.
whereas people using BAE outside of its cultural context perpetuates a relationship of parasitic colonial extraction, not of symbiotic cultural exchange as most white people would claim