That’s awesome, goat tower video game!
That’s awesome, goat tower video game!
Free thinker alert! Arrest these shrooms immediately!
That makes perfect sense. As someone who has had genuine chemical imbalances I’ve had to wrestle with, another thing that’s really interesting is that people who are obviously in the depths of delusional/paranoid hell are so afraid of the mental system that they never seek help. It’s so sad that its in the state its in, if things were a little better than maybe those people wouldn’t balk at therapy while they are in the throes of schizophernia or something.
This is a super hot take but if someone wants to be medicated to deal with a dying world than I’m okay with that. I think it’s better than hitting the bottle tbh. Obviously companies shouldn’t force pills on people but we live in a fucked up capitalist hellscape, so yeah.
3 second time travel like za wordlo
Graf is probably better than ever now, shame it’s not as long lasting was in Rome. Hopefully some of the best artists pick up sculpting so people in the future might have a little taste.
I feel like it’s probably an actual phrenologist because he implies dutch white people were created by Yakub which is really down the black supremacist rabbit hole.
Edit: youtube video on the subject
They’d just hit the ice wall, idiot. And if they made it through that they would hit the ocean of the second flat world beyond our own. If they got through that they would hit either the scorched wastes, the frozen wastes, the abyssal ocean, or the walls of asgard…
Seriously, do you even do your own research?
Cringe as fuck, its perfect.
Ah well that would be why it’s completely pointless to me. Since all science is politicized now, I guess there is no reason to use it.
I signed up to it from instagram to track my favorite epidemiologists and h5n1 only to discover it has no hashtag system to look up trending topics and most of my favorite epidemiologists aren’t even on it. So it’s worthless for even following COVID, avian flu, and probably every other news topic.
He’s killing all his rival oligarchs boyars so I’d say yeah.
Yup you just gotta block them, that’s the animal control of Lemmy, lol. (No offense furries)
Otacon is an Otaku manchild so of course he makes a meal of only sugar, the bread is probably angel’s food cake.
I thought the joke was originally that ohio is the most mid state imaginable, it’s not hell like Florida or anything like that.
“Critters for Sale” - steam:
I actually did play that one. I highly recommend it, no spoilers of course! But let’s just say that I would not be surprised if OP’s image being a screenshot anymore.
I live out of spite so I do birthdays. Join us on the spite side, we have cake.