I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were off by an order of magnitude. 1500 units with on average 2 people works out to 3000. Looking at the pictures, that feels like a more realistic number.
Little Brother I think.
Cory Doctorow has a solution: put some pebbles in your shoes, that will change the way you walk right away.
You got to offset your offsets, man! 7:00, 7:06, 7:12, 7:18, 7:24.
Alter, willst du mich verarschen? Das kannst du nicht ernsthaft glauben? The fucking Boomers had it worse than the Germans in 1930?
So what you’re saying is - it’s their choice. That seems worse, no?
So what’s the excuse for the people who had what is probably the cushiest life in all of human history?
Solution: Rocket propelled guillotines
That’s just normal God stuff. Doing his own son dirty like that seems special, though.
Not gonna lie, this is a bit of a let down for me.
Harry looks too well put together.
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