I don’t really have an answer for you here, but isn’t having the expiry pointless now if you’re going to honour an elapsed token?
The argument has become “if price X mins ago is equal to price now, honour it” - so it could have expired 10 mins ago, or 10 days ago, etc. and you’d still be honouring it, right?
So, why have an expiry at all in this scenario? The question should become, if we’re going to honour it after 5 mins, will we honour it at 10 mins? 100 days? Which? A cut off needs to be defined.
I’ve actually thought for a while now that a big software company should come out and say they support ReactOS for whatever their product is and advertise it like “Full, Oracle 23c DB support on ReactOS - but without the Microsoft tax.”
Yes, that’s not realistic between Oracle and MS, but it would be such a boon to ReactOS.