Maybe they should have called it something besides DSC-QX100
Maybe they should have called it something besides DSC-QX100
You probably need to adjust your headlights, or take out the HIDs if you have reflectors
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You can write off hardware purchases, paying for skilled devs is like pulling teeth
Yup! It’s only a tiny bit janky but works surprisingly well
I know it’s bringing an excavator to a litter box, but Krita is open source and can do all the basics as well
Wow, I could have saved a couple bucks! Ah well, too late now
There was a sweet moment in the mid 00s to early teens where cool stuff was being made to push the envelope. Yeah they wanted to sell you stuff, but they did so under the guise that it would be something to look forward to instead of sucking every penny from your dry husk
That is actually what is happening. Nothing in the Florida law blocks these sites, they just don’t want to deal with it.
The last panel should have an and, not an or
I monitor my web traffic through my router and my processor and disk activity, I’m confident.
Power to them, until the software I use has 100% Linux compatibility then my hand is forced
Yeah nah, I’ve had updates turned off for years and have no issues. All I do is game on my windows comp
You can keep using win10 without security updates, just be smart about it. Have a good firewall, and just use it for gaming and bills or whatever and you’ll be fine
I’ve heard the term used reffering the fetish about 3000x more than I’ve heard it used referring to a disability
Their heart is in the right place, but good luck doing anything about it
Jokes on them, I’m out of date anyway
And why should the average user care? They use Alexa and have the Facebook app installed anyway, this is just a drop in the bucket for all the other crap that tracks every movement anyway
I bought a used car that was made in 2004. It doesn’t even have aux in or traction control, let alone 4g…