I once used my left hand for the right hand rule because i was writing with my right hand during a physics test
Needless to say, i got the wrong sign
uBlock origin!!
Fahrenheit? 🥶
Celsius? 🥵
Kelvin?? ⚰️
Calling or even implying ur gf is fat is playing with fire. That’s like relationship 101
Anybody have clips of him actually shooting? All i see is news reporters with stills of Yusuf online.
Fixed the meme
definitely a lot of sweat
Mods does it need an NSFW spoiler??
The context must get you first
I have viewed the image. When may I expect to encounter the ghost of Jerma now???
He is indeed a great science communicator
Let’s gooo im in the outer ring of the yellow zone, just gotta find some cover
Hb squaring
Recommend watching Civil War
It’s pretty cool. It contacts a lab in Switzerland to do some quantum stuff and split the universe using the many worlds interpretation
Universe Splitter on iOS
A lot of the comments here are saying that a pineapple can configure their subnet to use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x. Is there any other way to determine if an access point is compromised?