Yeah, right, like UPS would be here this quickly (ba dum tss)
Yeah, right, like UPS would be here this quickly (ba dum tss)
So… We’re all just not gonna talk about the fact that ‘Root’ is apparently a traditional girl’s name now, huh?
How else am I supposed to get these bees outta my teeth then, oh ye who is so wise in the ways of science?
Only the ones their friend(s) own, though. Gotta steal from the poor to give to the rich somehow, after all. And - added bonus - no more worrying about children being taught pesky things like the blacks are people too, that being gay isn’t an affront to God, or the downright silliness of anthropogenic climate change.
Sometimes, it really do be like that tho
Wouldn’t it be more subtle to follow up by instead asking which one of them is in the Coast Guard?
Hasn’t anyone come up with a fix for that yet? No?
Perhaps it’s finally time to unveil my… PRELIMINARY SOLUTION! 🧐
I feel so seen rn