Dark humor is like food… not everybody gets it.
Dark humor is like food… not everybody gets it.
Part of the reason might be that a serif font for something viewed on screen is in most cases (this one included) just out of place.
I think it’s technically still there… hidden behind custom fronts.
Google had deals that were revealed. For example Spotify was exempt from paying those 30%.
I can still throw away my fire tv stick then. At the moment it still does the job I bought it for and I won’t produce unnecessary garbage for something that might happen in the future.
You can btw “simply” opt out from this in the settings (look for “featured content” and disable it).
Yes it should be opt-in, but it’s not that hard to keep the fire tv (stick) being a good device for the price paid.
Nah, I prefer to treat my math problems like climate change. With denial.
That is essentially how bittorrent works anyway. In Germany people lost in court over this. Also portions of a copyrighted file are a problem. If they can “proof” that they got a relevant portion (more than the typical fair use seconds) you are still on the hook.
Nice idea, but then everytime a video that contains anything licensed by the content mafia is uploaded (even partly), the user in question breaks that license opening themselves up to lawsuits.
In a perfect world where only properly free content is shared that model would work. But that is not how most content shared on YouTube looks like.
I wish there is a github FOSS script that does this for new windows builds.
That will be irrelevant when the control freaks take over. Case in point: anti piracy ads in the good old DVD/BluRay days. Unskippable shit that ironically only punishes people who bought legitimate media.
If it was real, the walls would be glass and there would be spectators.
Theoretically they could deny serving byte ranges before the end-of-ad mark until those bytes have been served and a plausible time (the duration of the ad) has passed. Practically this is likely more expensive than what the ad revenue would yield.
Hey, stop saying bad things about my wives!
second worst mistake of my life
What is the … you know what, never mind.
I also heard (and used) it as a mix of both: “the last 20% take as long as the first 80%”
Isn’t there a physical limit to solving this problem? For me the problem is typically, that the water in the hot pipe has cooled down, so the first few seconds/half a minute it slowly rises in temperature until finally the pump of the boiler sets in to pump actually hot water back into the system. Only then can I reliably find a temperature mix that stays stable.
That is - IMO - what critical thinking is meant to be … thinking about alternative explanations and evaluating their viability or probability.
Unfortunately a lot of people use the term “critical thinking” as just another way to rationalize why they are against something, without actually weighing the options.