So you admit that those cultural aspects are actually there. Which are failed when they are used to support the ruling class.
Which was my point.
So you admit that those cultural aspects are actually there. Which are failed when they are used to support the ruling class.
Which was my point.
Something something ugly black spot idk
Yeah dawg that’s my point. We have the ideal of equality but also failed to actually follow through with it.
I’m talking about the shared cultural values of the society we have today, views shared by most Americans. Most Americans like free speech. Most Americans like liberty. Et cetera and so on. These are things that are part of our culture. You aren’t any less of a person for recognizing that these are values that are held by this culture.
I am also saying that despite culturally sharing in these values, our society also fails to actually support them in very big ways.
Nah man, Americans have values. Freedom, perseverance, independence, self expression. It’s just that we have utterly failed to uphold those values in our actions. Even in the beginning, talking about slavery being terrible but still allowing it for political reasons right at the founding.
Nah, I liked how I phrased it. We’ve been failing to uphold our ideals since the beginning, even Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite who hated slavery but sure as hell did a lot of it.
I feel like it’s unamerican in regards to the values our country espouses, even though it completely and utterly fails to uphold them.
Ok these are genuinely funny ngl
The Greatest Estate Developer is one of the funniest comics I’ve ever read. The facial expressions alone make it worth it.
The webcomic something positive did a strip where he figured out how to decapitate with ejaculate
Bruv it might be time to take a break from the Internet for a bit and focus up on your personal life, this seems like real hardcore bad world syndrome and, while I feel you, I really do, this comment sounds like your mental health is in a bad place and you might want to take a break.
I’ve seen some pretty compelling arguments from minority groups that step 0 can’t be done without simultaneously addressing the divisions you’re talking about. I don’t see why we can’t do both. I agree that these things are used and usually ultimately come from capitalism, but I think that recognizing and fixing those divisions is an integral part of dismantling capitalism.
First thing in the manifesto “yeah the cops are still really cool and I like them”
Can’t wait till neurodivergent becomes the new slur and we invent a new word to describe it so people use that instead of a slur which then becomes the new slur so we invent another new word to describe it so people use that instead of a slur which then …
I kinda disagree with this a little. These things are interconnected. While we shouldn’t let stuff like race and sexuality divide us, we shouldn’t ignore that some groups have been fucked over more than others and part of dismantling the system is seeing what parts are rotten. Red lining n shit.
Dude allegedly went to Georgia then up to Pa and never ditched the gun anywhere and wore the same exact clothes and didn’t buy a different jacket with the cash he had on hand?
That is irrelevant to my point, however true it may be