Keeping rates up as long as the inflation goal is not reached? So if inflation drops below 2% next month they will instantly go to 0% again? As if…
Keeping rates up as long as the inflation goal is not reached? So if inflation drops below 2% next month they will instantly go to 0% again? As if…
How would you get loans without banks?
Not in Germany, at least not when using different banks.
And yet, energy production from coal hit a new low in October.
The comment I replied to made it seem the situation got worse this year, which is, in this generality, wrong.
The comment I replied to implied that the situation got worse this year. Which is plain wrong.
In Germany in 2023Q2 wages increased by 6,6%, while inflation was 6,5%.
I mean the cold war was a thing. Back then trade between systems was lower than today.
Pls tell me something new and not continue rambling on.
It seems like you talk about sweating - thats why you talk about the replenish water and ectrolytes part. I hope you know how sweating works and that it only works if the humidity is not too high.
So what do you think happens if the air temperature is over your body temperature and sweating dies not cool you down?
Maybe you should read a book. I am really curious about a biology text book that will tell me that 40C and 100% humidity is totally fine for humans for survive, lol.
Please start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature?wprov=sfla1
Of course you don’t die instantly. The guy above talked about temperatures like that over a longer period, i. E. A whole day.
People can survive 100C+ saunas for 15+ minutes. But 40C and 100% humidity will kill you after a couple hours.
The guy is way off with humidity levels. But look up wet-bulb temperature. Over 35C on the wet bulb scale which you egt with 40C and 70% humidity will kill you.
Tell me pls
Uff. Where did you read that?
How would you organize such centers? Invade African countries?
Fun fact:Stuttgart21 will service less trains than before https://wikireal.info/wiki/Stuttgart_21/Leistung#Fehler_in_den_bisherigen_Gutachten_.E2.80.93_was_bleibt.2C_sind_32_Z.C3.BCge
It is basically just a big real estate project as it frees up expensive space in the city centre.
Shouldn’t these thing fall under one oft the 11(?) sanctions packs we put on Russia so far?
As far as I understand Russia spending most of their money in the country itself to pay for the salaries of soldiers and manufacturing.
Instead, the state is just printing money,
If Austria is really financing the war, then only if Russia used that money to buy war stuff from elsewhere. For that I have no information. (I know that they buy from Iran and north Korea. However both of these countries do not use the euro?)
So is this?
Is that sarcasm? Of course can the gdl strike when dB does not even want to resume negotiations.