What I mean is that it’s hosted on discord. I don’t know how else to say it. It’s not self hostable. Maybe someone else can explain better than I can
What I mean is that it’s hosted on discord. I don’t know how else to say it. It’s not self hostable. Maybe someone else can explain better than I can
Have you ever used discord? The name server isn’t prescriptive. It’s not your own server. It’s just your own chat rooms
yes, but they’re still hosted by discord. Discord isn’t open source or self hostable.
the constitution even condones it. Fucked. Prisoners get paid like 70c an hour or some shit.
I HAD been on gmail since it was invitation only, but I deleted that shit when they went to the dark side.
my parents did none of this. I had free rein on the internet as a wee kiddo. Granted, that was in the wild west days of the internet, but still, they did nothing. I regret it immensely.
I’m sitting here like “tf is a creamer?”
They are good options too.
I was still using floppy disks in 2014… for work.
you should encourage them to use something that’s not google. Startpage, SearxNG, DuckDuckGo are good alternatives.
wtf is this shit? treating people with respect and humanity? GTFO /jk
holy shit, I feel so cheated.
I’m pretty far left, but i think ukraine was the victim of an invasion. Putin is a POS.
Oh God it’s me… I’m old now.
it’ll happen to you too!
You did a way better job explaining it lol. That makes much more sense than my explanation did