What is a trochee? I looked it up but I don’t understand
What is a trochee? I looked it up but I don’t understand
Most of it is diverted to Europe though - loads of people there order their water with gas
Just went through this
I was only able to get mine because of a grant i found, which paid 100% of the cost (over $3k).
I mean you’re probably right. I don’t know anything about cheese really so not sure if I’ve had proper imported cheese or not. But yeah, I can’t relate to your flavor descriptions lol the closest is when I can taste the jalapenos they add to some cheeses (for example). This is probably why I am not particularly fond of cheese though lol
Personally I can’t recognize a difference in cheese types. I’m guessing that’s because I grew up on American cheese.
I mean I can tell the different textures, kind of, but it all tastes the same to me.
Wow! That makes sense. Thanks
Why is one called .500 and the other .50? I looked them up and both are basically the same diameter but I don’t get the origin of the name itself (especially since the .50 is actually .510 diameter??)
And then the desk collapses because it’s not real wood
I had one until about 10 years ago. I was moving and planning to take it with me, but I dropped it on the way to the truck. So it went in the dumpster.
The fact that that image exists at all (aside from the obviously horrifying murder)…like someone learned about the murder, thought it up, and then created it. And then shared it. Who does that??
The whole biography was yikes and somehow got worse with every line
Except the gay porn, for themselves
Thanks, I appreciate it
Definitely :(
I would, but the only other doctor available who treats my condition in my area won’t see me because I already saw the first doctor.
I have a few doctors like this.
One in particular, you have to schedule your whole day for the appointment. Even if it’s virtual.
There’s the call for the copay, the call for the vitals, the call with the midlevel, then the call with the doctor. I’ve waited over 5 hours just for the doctor before.
My next appointment with that doctor is after business hours. I am not looking forward to that late night.
Yeah…which is hard when they’re the only doctor who treats your condition in the area
Fascinating! Do you know a good place I can learn more about this type of stuff?