What a strange thing to be pedantic about
What a strange thing to be pedantic about
Funny, I just read some piece of news that one of the leaders in the romanian far-right party wants to regain the north-bucovina territories ( which have been a contentious issue for a long while now ) from Ukraine at any cost, even if it would mean Romania leaving NATO. Birds of a feather share the same russian propaganda I suppose.
Romania: PM uses poor results to justify cancelling promised raises to teachers’ salaries, raises that were negociated after protests earlier this year.
Education Minister pretends the results are excellent, despite them being worse than previous ones.
So business as usual I suppose.
Oh hey Hungary, um, I don’t wanna panic you, but there’s a weird growth right next to your NE border. Better get that checked out
I’m still bitter about that whole debacle. CS never really clicked with me, so after trying ever other contemporary city sim under the sun I went back to playing SC4, but only every now and then. Goddamn, Simcity was so good and what EA did was a fuckin crime.