The comment you responded to says nothing about feelings. Nor does it say that the commenter has any issue with the consumption of plants.
The comment you responded to says nothing about feelings. Nor does it say that the commenter has any issue with the consumption of plants.
I still donate to … uBlock
From https://ublockorigin.com/:
The uBlock Origin project still specifically refuses donations at this time
Who are you giving money to?
Ridiculous. This line is clearly gay.
She’s always been a “new labour” type. There were certainly people who disliked her before she went full TERF.
It’s just really hard to talk about expected lifetimes and not sound that way.
It does, because we’re talking about the total lifespan instead of remaining lifespan. A person who is 120 may have a 10% chance of living another year; but a 50 year old probably has less than a 1% chance living 71 more years. Of course the 50 year old probably has more than a 99% chance of living another year. So the older you are, the older your expected total lifespan is, even if your expected remaining lifetime is shorter.
Yes, famously men have had very few demands of women throughout history.
Not that I should expect even a little sense from right wingers, but this slogan is so messed up. Isn’t kneeling supposed to be bad because it’s disrespectful? So you are disrespecting the cross? Or was Kaepernick engaging in idolatry?
That’s not enough proof. You have to ask him if he’d stop an in progress genocide and if he says no, you’re good.
I mean even C++11 is a significantly different creature from OG C++. C++23 will have monadic optionals; maybe a future release will have generalized monads.
I prefer the spinoff, “Whose parking spot is it anyway?”