I don’t have the space; can one download e-bricks?
I don’t have the space; can one download e-bricks?
You can only choose from what billionaires want.
Named after that guy on Star trek named Siker.
Fwiw, treat a bear like an ND who has other stuff to do, leave them alone. Are you pulling a neckbeard close for a selfie?
Thank you, helpful.
There weren’t crossovers for routing signal in live recordings?
In my youth I wanted to learn more about this stuff, but I appeared to be much younger than I was, so was shooed away.
Thank you, that’s the piece of info I never had. If it’s not a Reddit-level fact. The 2 channels were new and people wete trying things out and mind-altering substances were freely available as well, so judgment might have been hogtied at times.
At the time, there was sentiment that it was a way to sell two amplifiers and speakers instead of one, a suspicion furthered by the later arrival of quad, which for many was a bridge too far. Audio places tried that briefly and then went back to selling stereo. And may be why a certain generation looks askance at 5.1 etc.
There were other changes as well, tubes/valves to solid state plus hybrids…when I read about Cloud products in IT, it rhymes, marketing hoodoo inveigling into genuine tech appraisals.
I like this take… https://daniellerac.com/dear-ai/
If only I knew whete he lived, I’d put a pie in the next bush. Then in the next one.
Peta is the Autism Speaks of its field. And vicee versa.
Some kinda LBC, perhaps MG with that green valve cover?
My 40 year old Swiss steel pan still going. Lighter than iron.
I wipe it off with paper towel, no washing.
Untoasted sesame oil is great for starting a new seasoning, then whatever one prefers to cook with. I like avocado oil and ghee right now.
Amazing opening scene… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9ionydNdCug
Lemmy instances need to replace every photo of this narcissistwith a rough sketch 9f an ox.
I remember being in a certain pizza hut near a certain corporate HQ, and managers from that acquiring corp were working the lunch in the kitchen.
I doubt they knew the end was coming, but I did.
Corp still sells a lot of flavored water.