Playing Hungary?
Much simpler: The reason was A. You cannot use A-excpetion to fund B
B=climate, industry, future, …
Only Cyprus or most Europe?
Austria has a similar law. And a website that connects the local whether report with the rules for when wearing a scarf is okay.
Geht scheißen!
Also, strange if it comes from the industry based on outdated technology. The fax is more digital than an internal combustion engine.
I thought the same 20 years ago. The positive outlook was common sense at the time, not an exaggeration. The overall vibe was inclusive, we had open borders in Europe since the 90ies, and German public opinion pro-European and progressive-leaning.
Neonazis were a thing, but a niche phenomenon. Angry young man. Not a part of mainstream society and everyone from conservative teachers to rock bands were ‘against nazis’, whatever this means.
The situation has changed indeed and it is somewhat scary. Right-wing (including fascist) talking points get significant air-time in the media. Politicians use language that appeals to far-right voters much more openly, dog whistles maybe.
The society is more divided these days. Bavaria votes next weak and you will see a strong divide between urban and rural. Trivial things like how to address groups of people including all genders are heated debates. Rational policies towards solving the climate crisises are stalling because change is seen as an attack on a livestyle. Better: Propaganda frames everything as a cultural war. Your vegan sandwhich, that’s war against cattle farmers.
Source: German
Arschweit, a unit of distance in the interplanetary system of imperial measurements.
Isn’t cheap and many of a good less bad thing exactly what you’d want? As a consumer.
Someone should clarify if this
Contactless payments use the EMV protocol. Leaking the cc number is bad, but happens all the time. An actual payment athorisation replaces both PIN and signature. The victim’s bank will argue that the victim authorised the transaction at the POS.
Nicht laminiert.
Impressum fehlt.
Schriftart nicht DIN-gerecht.
Weder Fließentisch noch Blattsalatschüssel.
All smokers die eventually, but they’ll reproduce before this happens. I won’t count on extinction.
It’s pretty easy. Smoking never really stopped in Germany. Vending machines are everywhere. They require age verification, which is not hard to bypass.
We got rid of indoor smoking, but we still accept that people smoke.
I don’t get this argument. Most business don’t own any property. The office buildings are rented.
The receipt is printed by a certified cash register. It even has a digital signature at the bottom.
Sure, the receipt will be thrown away, but the register keeps a record. So store owners can check in their employees and tax authorities can check on the owners.
The receipt is irrelevant except for ensuring that the purchase is in record.
It’s much harder to run a tax-free cash-only side business if everyone expects a receipt and the receipt printer has an audit trail.
This will work perfectly for OP
So like Japan?
Yes, same here.
What a misleading title! England slightly behind Germany.