Thunderbird android is k9 mail
Thunderbird android is k9 mail
Dell, the company known for their onsite sales.
Sure, if they had a website or something, they could work remotely, but someone needs to be present when customers flock in.
A whole a house or just this room?
Anyway: Amazing.
All I got was the IKEA family card. Free coffee. Yeah.
I’m not worried about e-ink price tags. Aldi has them. I’m worry if it says, use your phone to find special offers only for you.
Everything about this screams fake, but …
This. And the same applies to Germany where the study originates.
Without iMessage, right?
Most specialized software are web apps running in a browser hosted on the cloud these days. I’m sure they exist, but I couldn’t name any HR, ERM, CRM, … software that’s not a web app.
The desktop OS is becoming irrelevant. That’s why those who want a Mac or Linux notebook can make it work, at least from a purely technical point of view; i.e. if the company allows it. That’s also, why there will never be a year of the Linux desktop. (I mention Macs here, because while OS X gets some commercial software that you won’t get on Linux, it’s not that much outside of some niches)
There will never be a year of the Linux desktop because you gain very little from replacing Edge on Windows with Firefox on Linux (a different software that does the same thing). However, you loose some specialised software and your IT supplier, your IT service provider, half of your IT staff and some of your non-IT employees’ skills. This does not sound like a good business case.
Linux on the desktop never happened, because Linux on the server replaced desktop applications.
I don’t know if it is fair to call it a disaster. I don’t know enough from the inside, but I believe in retrospect the goal was maybe to ambitious or plain wrong.
They were attempting to port huge amounts of decades old Office macros to OpenOffice. That failed, but before the LiMux project they had already failed to migrate the same to a modern version of MS Office.
The goal for LiMux was to be a better Windows than the best Windows Microsoft would offer at the time. Literally impossible.
That combined with strong lobbying and users confused with a different UI and probably a lot of small day-to-day issues (which happens with any software, but can make an IT department look bad) made it politically hard to sustain an ‘experiment’.
The current IT lead of Munich, hired after migrating back to Microsoft, does not seem to be a Microsoft fan.
Guess I’ll never travel to the UK again. Why would i bother to carry a passport for some island in the north sea?
The article creates the impression, this is about the AfD, a far-right party that is gaining seats in parliaments nation-wide, but it’s not. The recent ‘scandal’ is actually about non-AfD politicians conspiring with far-right movements.
Yes, it’s a loud and colorful movement against neo-fascism, but this is also clear statement to the ruling parties not to give in to pressure from the right. And it’s definitely against people who are moderate on the surface and brown behind the scenes.
This is about the majority to unite and stands against the Nazis. This is about us. You don’t change a Nazi by shouting at their house. you change a bystander by encouraging them to join the march.
There are protests all over Germany, Friday, Saturday and today. Everywhere.
See you there! We’ll need the spirit. (And it will be fun with bands playing)
Unless he pulls pulls out to east of the Urals,
Feel free. I won’t stop them.
Yes, Putin, go full Hitler. Just get the fuck out of Europe.
My guess would be all of them, but health care systems are weird. I live in Germany and I’m 99% sure you could get the covid shot here. Foreign passport does not matter. Lacking insurance does not matter if you’re paying. Can’t see why not, except that doctors aren’t really keen to take on new patients they’ll never see again.
Elon Musk: Everyone is insane!
Everyone: No, Elon, you are insane, and now please take your pills.
[Austria] and no oil is produced here
Steirischer Ölkürbis: Am I a joke to you?
I guess no hoster is safe, but maybe have a backup in a different jurisdiction.