This has got to be part of a bigger ploy to undermine the Onion and other satire publications.
Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior
This has got to be part of a bigger ploy to undermine the Onion and other satire publications.
Where Boost?
The problem is bioaccumulation: taking in substances faster than you can metabolize and excrete them. Eating something that has already accumulated something is worse than accumulating it from the same original sources. That’s why you can do suicide by vitamin A poisoning by eating carnivore livers.
That’s why I eat lots of chicken from the worst methods of rearing when having an infection: cheap antibiotics.
aren’t prion diseases usually just a thing for the brain?
Don’t you want to eat the crispy thinking bacon? Your loss. Next thing you’re telling me you don’t want to eat the testicles …
Prion diseases. Accumulation of different substances, like mercury, lead, strontium-90, and, a new contender to the list: micro plastics. And you’ll want to have a look at a person’s medication and likely want to make sure they’ve been off of it for a few days before consuming their flesh.
Can you add some arrows? I’m not sure where to look in the circled area.
Easy mistake to make, but terms of service are abbreviated as ToS, not TOS ;-)
I bought Red Hat Linux in a store from my allowance when I was 11 or 12. We had no internet at home back then.
DOS was a step backwards for me from Atari TOS.
I’ll update it tomorrow. Right now every freedom unit of my body aches and I have a fever. I need to rest.
Don’t mind me, I just whipped round to see if everything is ship-shaped and Bristol fashion.
Every man has his price. Mine happens to be 3 gummy bears.
I’d love Hitchens, or someone of that caliber, to pull that off in talkshow: just show that picture and say it’s not a human. And after the nutters have lost their shits and raged for minutes, reveal that it really is not a human, because, it is an elephant.
Garlic is only replaceable by more garlic.
I recently read an interesting article about a team of anthropologists researching this matter. Before, everybody thought that reddit was this completely fictitious mythical thing. Their work showed that there very likely was an actual interweb platform called reddit. Some even believe that it might still exist, hidden in a corner, a mere shadow of its anecdotal glory. It’s interesting how this - superficially - myth shaped our language. I’m a tad vary of that article though, because it feels like it could have been the hallucinations of a language model. Or, it could have been my hallucinations. How am I supposed to know? What even is reality? For all I know, what ‘we’ call reality could be nothing but the fabrications of my mind with you being a subconscious projection of a conflicting fragment of my self. Or as the cool kids call it, an NPC. I won’t claim that I understand the lingual leap from that concept to the Nuclear Pore Complex, but, anyways … where was I … ah, yes: devilled eggs are an abomination. Why on Earth would my subconsciousness, or any demented part of it, invent devilled eggs and then fabricate people who, at least pretend to, like them, when they factually taste bad, and I am allergic to mustard? I think it’s safe to conclude, that my subconsciousness is an asshole. Q.E.D.
Technically, no. The kern is/was the overhang of part of a letter over a type block’s edge. But, if we can make the jump and can apply the concept to digital fonts, then I can make the jump and apply it to handwritten text.
Stupid sexy Frodo.