But from the perspective of someone at the top of the stairs, wouldn’t it be the radical right?
But from the perspective of someone at the top of the stairs, wouldn’t it be the radical right?
Configure it some more!
Idea Fight! Idea Fight!
Just gotta make sure you also excersize so your muscles don’t atrophy.
Wait, then actual evidence becomes useless!
Basically same as N I think since tweets have a max size.
but are the silly voices thinking demselvs?
are we silly voices?
wat is silly voices?
oh gOd i caNt StoP thINKiNg hALP
No, he just said AI isn’t like human brains because its a “statistical machine”. What I’m asking is how he knows that human brains aren’t statistical machines?
Human brains aren’t that good at direct math calculation either!
Also he definitely didn’t explain what “lost art” is.
How do you know human brains don’t work in roughly the same way chatbots and image generators work?
What is art? And what does it mean for it to become “lost”?
Okay deleted my previous comment because this CMV is not really about socialism vs capitalism.
You are technically correct in saying that people not wanting to work because they aren’t paid enough is a capitalism problem, but it doesn’t really change my view on the solution of a land value tax, as it is a capitalist solution that I think only applies to a capitalist system.
Idk what definition of commodity you are using, but I will say that it seems that by wikipedia’s definition something like food or manufactured goods are more of a commodity than land, something that can not be created.
I would agree that housing is a commodity though, so long as there is more land to build it on.
I think a land value tax would speed up the process of building more houses, and would make housing denser because owners of the land would be incentivised to build as many houses as possible to not loose money to the land value tax.
Wait, what is the difference in pronunciation for θeɪ vs ðeɪ?