Instead of crosses it’s just obsidian rectangles hung on walls.
Instead of crosses it’s just obsidian rectangles hung on walls.
I like it.
I also liked new Coke, so maybe I’m just a fiend for synthetics
I only use synthetic when I change oil in our cars.
Lasts longer than the old school stuff, has better additives to keep engines running longer, idk why you would stick with natural oils unless your engine is quite old.
Less oil changes also means cheaper maintenance overall and less impact on the environment from used oil.
I used to be good at games.
And then I got older, and now I have a job, and a family, and don’t take Ritalin recreationally.
I can’t keep up with the teenagers who spend 6 hours after school everyday playing, and that’s okay. I just play games that cater more to my time.
Last time I played call of duty I just alt-F4d and refunded after some guy kept zooming around the map and mowing me down with some busted SMG. Those games just aren’t for me anymore.
Bubly and Waterloo also have no sugar, and yet still taste like actual fruit flavors.
Lacroix? Taste?
Are you a super taster or something? I only ever taste cardboard with a fine mist of watered down fruit juice when I drink them.
Bubbly’s are way better, or even Waterloos.
I remember the ancient microwave we used to have.
No rotating plate, just a box with a knob on it.
Your food will cook for somewhere between 3 and 7 minutes. It will be unevenly heated. You will enjoy the aroma of 20 years of popcorn being blown out of the side.
Enjoy your half frozen leftovers, and kneel before the unkillable microwave.
The world you knew ground to a halt.
I was working in healthcare at the time. I was doing 60 hours a week, home, work, home, work, home, work. Nonstop.
The world did not stop because you couldn’t go into an office to sit and work.
You know how a trial works, right?
He still has to stand trial and be convicted by a trial of his peers.
Even if the evidence is overwhelming, the jury still has to issue a verdict.
It would hardly be the first time there’s a hung jury or even a nullified jury.
You need to learn how the justice system actually works, instead of watching law and order.
No, he’s accused of killing someone.
Accused with evidence that has a contradictory history over the course of the manhunt.
But he’s not a criminal until he’s convicted by a jury of his peers.
The main issue, although there were many, was that the engines could not be test fired.
The engines used ablative nozzles, so once you started the engine, the nozzle would be consumed, and any test fired engine would have to be completely rebuilt. So, the soviets only tested engines from each batch, I think it was something like 1 in 4 or 1 in 6 engines were tested. That sounds reasonable until you realize the N1 first stage consisted of 30 engines.
There was basically no way to tell if they’d built a bomb or a rocket until they lit it off. Turns out they built a bomb every time.
Multiple outlets including LTT and Gamers Nexus have debunked this.
The only thing you may have to do if you notice unusual performance is reapply thermal paste to the GPU, and that’s only because most thermal paste will dry out after years of sitting around or being used
MFW, Chicago pizza prices are higher than Germany and people are saying Europe has the most expensive pizzas, while other Americans are paying less than $10 for a pie.
Oil is mainly from plants that dyed million of years before dinosaurs even existed, before the bacteria and fungus that break down plants and wood evolved.
That’s why it’s a finite resource. You need all of that organic matter, unbroken by chemical digestion, to be heated and crushed for millions of years.
Earth will become uninhabitable way before the sun explodes.
Last estimate I read was like 500 million years before the sun gets hot enough to start negatively effecting the water cycle, and then it just gets dryer and more inhospitable from there.
Of course, we’re artificially making things hotter way faster than that, so probably a few hundred years before large mammals have a hard time maintaining homeostasis due to the temperature.
Maybe we’ll get dinosaurs 2.0 and they’ll have enough time to get smart enough to realize we used all of the cheap energy and doomed them to die on a hot, barren rock.
Ah yes, people love it when another person has such a weak constitution that they can’t handle the smell of incredibly common drinks
I’d rather be assumed attractive than to remove all doubt.
Go hangout at a Starbucks in a target if you want to meet women, they’re certainly not going to wander into your bedroom.
As a married man, I gotta say you’re probably selling yourself short or have unrealistic expectations of a partner.
Remember that whoever you’re going to date is a person, not a robot. People are not quantifiable. One day they may be a dick, the next they may be pleasant. Some people are willing to compromise and others aren’t. Man, woman, or other, it doesn’t matter. If you’re not willing to compromise something, you’re never going to find someone.
It can also end it if you eat it while taking critical medication.