Could just put “logical fallacies” in there and call it a day. “Cognitive biases” too.
Could just put “logical fallacies” in there and call it a day. “Cognitive biases” too.
Goats are goated though.
They are our protection against the holy army who are coming to rapture (kidnap) us.
Hail the goat.
Used to be a 9"gagger until I got shadow banned for pushing back on transphobic comments, even after I paid for PRO+
4chan is a mixed bag, if you stay away from /b/ and /pol/ (which are chaos), you’ll be in a neutral wild-west.
I still browse 4chan because the dark humour I crave cannot be satiated elsewhere. Even /r/imgoingtohell was essentially reposting 4chan memes.
I dunno man, doing both at once is amazing