My favorite religious saying is “God helps those who help themselves”. This is a bit like that old story of the pill that kills your thirst, but you have to take it with a cup full of water.
My favorite religious saying is “God helps those who help themselves”. This is a bit like that old story of the pill that kills your thirst, but you have to take it with a cup full of water.
It is outrageous because if a sufficient number of people accept this bullshit, it becomes a viable and profitable business model and every provider moves into it. Basically people like me who run away from subscriptions like the devil end up without a choice.
Jesus is trying a Vulcan trick on the guy, but it does not appear to be working.
Twitter is a mess that we can see. Imagine all the shit hidden on Tesla software that we can’t.
Unleash the Murder King and the Taco Hell!
Where I live all street lights used to be low pressure sodium (very monochromatic yellow!) Due to a nearby observatory. Now to hell with everything! It’s LED lights everywhere. They’re strong and not diffused so all the light comes from a small area meaning instant after image… (Sigh)
Even worse, people now put LED lights on their outdoor house fixtures and all kinds of office buildings pointing UP. Goodbye night sky…
Well, here it is…
They also have absolutely gigantic eggs for their body sizes. Google for pictures.
The real problem is that these people live in a world of fantasy and prep for the zombie apocalypse. It’s this quasi sexual thing where they get a hard on for shooting everyone that moves, without guilt of any kind.
The problem with their approach is that the zombie apocalypse won’t happen and the people with guns are likely to be the ones starting the problem when things go slightly bad.
BTW, I have lived through natural catastrophes where we got isolated and without power for many days. Curiously, neighbors got together and helped each other. No rapists or crazy marauders. Sadly, everybody went back to their natural state of isolation once the crisis was averted.