Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king
Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king
Is there non-stochastic, predictable terrorism?
Sure, a planned like 9/11 attack carried out by an organization like Al Queda is non-stochastic
I use 8gb thumb drives! They’re what’s in my miscellaneous drawer and I haven’t needed a larger one
My man is going to ascend
The Um, Actually was because they were asking an honest question and seemed to interpret your joke as a serious answer
Don’t take what the other person said seriously, they were making a shitty joke about the Catholic Church, not being informative
In healthy relationships, it’s about the power dynamic of one partner being in charge of the others’s pleasure
I managed to get a screenshot of that too
Change in the party has to come from within. Even though Sanders didn’t get the nomination, he pushed the entire party a good bit to the left.
More important than that is to get involved at all levels. It’s not as flashy as the Presidency, but your vote for your local school board or town council carries a lot more weight than it does nationally.
If you’re feeling very spicy, run for one of those positions
That’s a rather phallic statue
That’s a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy
The whole classification system needs reworking
The article didn’t say, but doea that ruling cover the many mile wide “border” zone?
Why does Aristotle deserve the same treatment?
It’s the opposite, though. Just like Canadian French
It’s for their own good 😉
Who among us hasn’t watched Russian POWs get executed in Dagestan?
The rainbow represents Alan Turing, who taught the child binary