to be fair, USA is very protectionist as well,
I’m having good laugh watching Americans call everyone protectionism but passing a law to force foreign company to sell their social media to an US company.
that produce legislation not 110% beholden to economic interest of corporations
France has a massive Fashion industry with Bernard Arnault competing for the richest person on the planet position. But even a brand like Kenzo is far from being fash fashion (Just checked on Zalando, kids T-shirt at 100 EUR, no wonder why the owner is so rich) so it’s not hindering the biggest French corpo.
Unfortunately you’re not wrong that many people don’t care 'bout the European election, on the other hand it means that there is a big intersection between the people who care about the European election and the ones who want to see more support for Urkaine, and for a political party it’s still an election with MEP and assistant positions to get, this is crucial to keep the party alive and prepare the post-Macron era.
However, even though the power balance in the EU is too much in favour of the council rather the parliament, there is tons of laws coming from the European level (GDPR is a big one, but recently the EP voted against a medical visit for the driver licence) so this election has a big weight
European elections are ongoing, and that’s definitely a move to tell to pro-European to not vote for “certain parties”.
You’re absolutely right that if we look at the material given, for once Germany is leading the “European defence”. And that realistically, moving “troops” to Ukraine will impact other front where french troops are fighting. So I am not sure which part of it is just word and whether it’ll change much the big picture. That said, I can see how even non combat soldier could be a drastic change. If you send military mechanics with the tanks you let Ukraine having more combat troops and avoid long retraining of support staff.
How likely is she to be elected there in the next decade ? Would be quite ironic to have the officer who removed the today to welcome her in a decade
Full time political activist is a legit job. But she’s only 21, at this age many people are student and don’t make any money
So after closing the nuclear power plants to open coal plants they want to foget about the ban on petrol-powered car ? CDU immer gut fuers Klimat.
Our dependence on foreign tech company like Microsoft is pretty concerning, especially for applications which attract spies like international politics, defence industry and more.
I know, Office integration with One-drive is amazing, but the report about the next gen european fighter jet or the internal e-mail of top level politicians and their staff have nothing to do on the computers of a foreign company.
The Kieffer Commando unit Gautier served in was part of the Free French Forces, but he is described in the faux biographies as having fought for the French Resistance.
The books mention his captivity in Germany, but Gautier was never taken prisoner.
The first of these “biographies” was published on July 5, 2023, just two days after Gautier’s death. The speed of publication suggests that it was generated by artificial intelligence software, which explains why so little care was taken to fact-check.
Looks pretty high on the greedy asshole scale
I don’t want to sound like the soviet union nostalgic you’ll find on grad. But there was a time when the KGB was supposed to be among the best secret service in the world with crazy operations. and now the best Russia can do to destabilize a democracy is… pretending there is some bedbugs in Paris
Not sure while everyone suddently pretends it’s not acceptable.
I am absolutely not keen to let troops go on the ground. However, these the military options need to be openly discussed without any taboo. Not only it tells Russia If you don’t find an agreement with Ukraine, things will escalate, but in a democracy, you need to have parliament and politicians in the discussions, we talk about kids dying for Kyiv. Is it worth-it ? I don’t know, which is why we need to have this discussion.
If someone is born in france from naturalized parents (who are citizen at the time of birth) the kid has a french citizenship, even if born abroad
France don’t have a birthright citizenship as strong as US, if I am not mistaken it’s something
Non conditional double birthright citizenship : If one of your parent is born in France and you’re born in France, you automatically get citizenship.
Conditional birthright citizenship based on residency when turning 18. If you’re a foreigner born in France, and still live in France when turning 18, you get automatically the citizenship. (While a foreigner who spent 18 year in France would still need to apply to citizenship)
So not as strong as in the americas but stronger than many other countries
Not sure how it works in Paris/London, but the other day I parked behind a gigantic US style pick-up. That monstruosity was longer than the parking spot, but also wider with like 10-15 cm on the street. This is messing with cyclist, car on the road, but also people who want to park behind you and don’t have the usual reference.
Seriously, if you don’t fit on a parking spot, you should be towed away. If you want to drive a truck, go in a truck parking which are usually in industrial area away from the city.
Looks like a nightmare. From the News, the building was basically used to store radioactive source on the time of Marie Curie time, when people had no idea about basic radiation protection. So the building is full of radioactive dust, and the initial plan was to disconstruct it and store the fragments as in a radioactive waste landfill.
Moving it seems like even more complicated (even though it means : No need to pay for radioactive waste storage). and I am not sure on the interest of keeping that building compared to others
for wearing earrings shaped like frogs that bore the image of a rainbow
Looks like a way to arrest anyone. Rainbows are nice, you often see frog and rainbows together. Looks like the person obsessed with LGBT was the judge not the woman wearing the earrings draw for me Mona lisa drinking soup
It was to be expected. Not only there is a lot of lobbying from the car manufacturer, but the reality is that the electric grid isn’t ready yet for a “full electric transition” and unless we start massive investment in Nuclear/Renewable (Not just one nuclear power plant, every so and on and some parking with solar panels, we need to deal with old power plants closing, and replacing all the fossil fuel used in automotive it’s a huge program) we can’t switch to electric
Est ce quc il y a d’autres gens que toi sur Lemmy ?
I hope that these declarations will be sufficient to bring back Putin to the negotiation table