Just like when they kept calling Harris a communist. You dumbasses, actual communists fucking hate Kamala Harris.
And then you still need a wireless router to get Internet on your phone unless you use data at home like a crazy person.
I’m not sure what concept you’re trying to introduce to people, but if they don’t understand the paradox of tolerance then you aren’t explaining it very well because it’s extremely easy to understand.
They’re acting like all the security just disappears lol. My workplace still uses Windows 8 which hasn’t been supported for almost a decade so there must be ways to maintain security without Microsoft updates.
Because so many people think monopolies are good before playing this game 🙄 Mouse Trap ends when there’s only one mouse left, so do we suddenly need to worry about rodent genocide??
Holy shit imagine earnestly comparing the infinite complexities of life to a fucking board game for kids.
Posting a “relevant” xkcd and acting like it’s clever is some people’s excuse for a personality.
Shit, and here I thought a giant chocolate Oreo shake from an ice cream store would be healthy. Egg on my face I guess.
I can’t read while I’m also trying to see things!
The same meme but it’s the UK and one of the many countries that was left fucked up after British imperialism.
Fuck corporations but I don’t believe this for a second. People are just making this shit up now. Some dude scribbles some prices on a piece of paper and this whole website loses its mind.
I’m on my third Altima and none of these have ever applied to me. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Altima driver being a dick. The people who I notice driving poorly are usually driving total shitboxes, like a pre-2000 Buick or something.
My roommate used to give me shit for falling asleep in jeans after we got stoned. Like bro how uncomfortable are your jeans because I don’t even notice mine.
Words mean what people think they mean. “Decimate” means to remove 10% of something but everyone uses it as a synonym for annihilate. You need to understand that the vast majority of people see “liberals” and “leftists” as the same thing. Your conspiracy about obfuscation is cute but you’re giving people too much credit.
Not trying to defend drinking raw milk but things do taste different at different temperatures.