Lemons are spicy oranges
Lemons are spicy oranges
I haven’t conviced myself of anything
Nah, better to take psychedelics and improve yourself
I think if you use a different camera app, like one of the gcam mods, it geta rid of Samsung’s terrible processing
Imagine if they just went to Nord VPN and got the data from them LOL
This does sound a bit conspiracy-ish, but they do have a point. Whether it’s intentional or not is debatable, but it sure is convenient for corpos
Life is just a phase.
it’s based on Kubuntu 🐵
hey nice name dude
I had a suspicion there was going to be a response like this. Never heard of it but sounds very interesting.
I doubt I’ll properly understand it without a good YouTube video. I shall embark on a search
It makes more sense in terms of our perception. But from a science perspective Klevin Kelvin makes more sense since you can’t go lower than 0 K and negative temperature doesn’t really make sense, since it’d mean something like negative energy.
You’re not going to believe this: https://youtu.be/QVolHJFxPXI
The doctor did say reflex, not reaction
I like raisins in cake, but they have no business being in cookies
I’m actually surprised there aren’t Isekai where the protagonist gets send into another in the future
Hey wanna leak greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which will cause global warming and make poles melt so neither polar bears nor penguins will have a place to live?
You can fix lactose intolerance by consuming a shit ton of lactose: https://youtu.be/h90rEkbx95w