real communism
How exactly do you define this?
real communism
How exactly do you define this?
I think its just a joke.
I have a condition that causes me to only get good sleep on my side, but if I sleep on my side for more than a couple hours that side really starts to ache. So yeah I’m with you
That’s fucked. Street racing can be dangerous but it isn’t inherently, and it’s one of many disappearing interesting things about local cultures in the US.
I would do this for free if you needed it that bad. You deserve to feel loved and appreciated.
No they do that every day
Mind blown
The microwave is a single player game so I don’t mind it
So what made you think this was advice meant for corporations?
What do you mean?
Don’t worry, the government knows.
Looks like it originally said lopped? That’s weird but I guess they were going for alliteration?
Sorry I didn’t mean to be rude by saying it. Just pointing out that there are exceptions, some of whom are meth users.
You’ve clearly never met any queer folks who do meth. But yes, normally it’s difficult to go more than a few hours speaking as someone with a penis.
It shows as the memes community on .world for me. I don’t really think it’s funny though.
I’m sorry, what do you mean? This picture of a tattoo?
The post is in reference to this.
Does anyone know who this person actually is? Shouldn’t we try to tell them this is happening?